
Ukulele Songs For Beginners and Beyond

Ukulele Tabs & Chords for your Favorite Songs

Have you always wanted to play ukulele as a solo instrument? Learn how to play these ukulele chord melody songs with the sheet music and ukulele tabs included. There are plenty of really easy songs to learn on a ukulele.

And what better way to utilize the songs on ukulele ukulele than with a classic reggae tune? Bob Marley is one of those musicians who wrote songs that weren’t complicated at all but changed the course of modern music. For the most part, you’ll be using C, E minor, A minor, and F. However, if you want to play it like Israel did, you’ll also have to learn the Fadd9 chord.

Learning songs is not only a great way to quickly improve your ukulele skills but it is also a fun way to keep yourself motivated to practice more. There are many, many Hawaiian songs that follow the same exact chord progression (order). Any time you see a 7th chord in a song sheet, you can play the base major chord.

But you can also play some of the simple solos in this song. Now, if you want the simplest version, there’s just one part where you’ll have to use the G chord. However, for a more consistent version, there are additional chords like D minor, Ab, and E.

There are some other variations since the song can be performed in more than one way. This time around, it’s their original one, \”Cut My Lip\” from the 2018 album \”Trench.\” In its original form, the song is drenched in effects and utilizes electric instruments. However, it can also work as a slow and simple ukulele song. The best thing about it is that all you really need are two chords. Once you figure out those, all you’ll have to do is follow the song’s feel with an adequate strumming pattern, which shouldn’t be difficult at all. The simplest possible arrangement includes only A minor, G, C, and F chords.

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There are only a couple of places where the progression breaks and you use the D7 or D chord. There are tons of more easy ukulele songs out there but the ones that are mentioned above are some of the bests. I hope you liked this post as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. I will be updating this page with more songs in the future so don’t forget to come back and give this page a check. Reggae often uses easy chords, but since it relies heavily on a syncopated skank strum it can be difficult for beginners to play.

songs on ukulele

It is a time for getting together with friends, family and enjoying delicious food.

Chords: A, A7, Bm, B7, C, E, E7, F, Fm, Gbm, G, G7, Ab

Pick a favorite here and click through to the chords to get started. Once again, we have a song that can be performed using only four chords — C, G, A minor, and F. Along with simple strumming patterns, \”Hey, Soul Sister\” makes for one of the best starter songs for ukulele. Going off on Buckley’s version, we can easily do a ukulele arrangement of the piece as well. While you could also do a fingerpicking pattern, there are some super-simple beginner-friendly variants.

Chords: Am, Bm, B7, C, D, Em, G

You can start teaching them as young as 4 years old, and by the time they’re ready for school, their little fingers will be itching to learn more. To help you on your journey, here are 20 easy ukulele chords songs that you can play on a regular basis to teach you a little at a time. To make your work easier, we have attached appropriate links beside each song that will redirect you to its chords, strumming pattern, and tabs. Once everything is easy separately, start adding pieces together – strum (muted) and sing or strum and hold chords. The idea is to get everything running on autopilot in one form or another.

If you are trying to play it all at once with brute determination and thinking power, you might be able too, but it will feel way harder than it should. If you try and do everything at once you’re going to struggle. Get familiar with the chords first – look them up (if you need a chord chart, click here), write them down, learn to finger them. Then take a look at a simple strum without trying to hold chords.

This will give it a genuine feel, but you can still play around with other strumming patterns. Dolly Parton’s \”Jolene\” is just a song that should be on everyone’s repertoire. But apart from its original acoustic guitar arrangement, you can play this classic on a ukulele. Sure, it won’t be the same as the original, since it features a somewhat intricate fingerpicking pattern on the guitar. But you can get the same feel if you apply the right strumming pattern on your ukulele and still play around with it a little.